

Lali Ayguadé & Guilhem Chatir

Country, city
Spain, Barcelone

Production contact
Nicolas Ricchini
Big Story Performing Arts Services

Company Presentation

Lali Ayguadé is a Catalan artist who has worked with artists such as Akram Khan, Hofesh Shechter, Roberto Olivan, Marcos Morau and Baro d’evel. Since 2013, she has settled in Barcelona and creates duos, notably « Incognito » and « Saba », and performances such as « Kokoro » and « iU an Mi ». She has also collaborated with Julian Sicard for « De camino al otro » and with Joana Gomila and Folk Souvenir for « Sa Mateixa ». In 2010, Lali was nominated at the London Critics’ Awards in the category for « exceptional dancer » and in 2016 « best dancer » at the Barcelona Critics’ Awards « ». She has equally performed in the short film « TIMECODE », which was awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, the Prix Goya, the Prix Gaudí and was also nominated for the Oscars in 2017.

Guilhem Chatir trained at the CNSMDP (Dance and Music Conservatory in Paris) where he participated in the creation of « The Rite of Spring » by Cristiana Morganti. In 2013, he joined Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker’s P.A.R.T.T.S, where he familiarised himself with the repertories of choreographers such as Trisha Brown and Rosas. In 2015, he started working with Wim Vandekeybus’ company Ultima Vez on the re-staging of « What the body does not remember ». In November of the same year, he started working on the restaging of « In spite of wishing and wanting ». In November 2018, he embarked on a new creation with Yoann Bourgeois.

Show Presentation

« Death is nothing to us, when we exist, death is not, and when death exists, we are not. » Epicurus

Here. That is where we are. (But) do we know if we existed beforehand ? Do we really know where we come from ? We land in the present, in a world that has existed well before the people around us are living in it. A universe that is saturated with rules, regulations, values, prejudices, pre-etablished cultural caracteristics, language, hierarchy and so on. The products of human  development that structure our daily lives. Our existence, despite its materialistic nature, is made up of invisible things and therefore requires a hint of suspicion. The rules must not be shaken barehanded, and power is not visible to the naked eye, and language has a sense.

Creative Team

Choreography & Concept
Lali Ayguadé, Guilhem Chatir

Astrid Stockman

Joana Gomila

Aïda Gabriëls

Set Design
Martina Cabanas

Lighting Design
Bernat Jansà


Communication & Marketing
Big Story Performing Arts Services

Production, co-production, credits

Co-production : Grec 2019 Festival of Barcelona ; Charleroi danse – Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles ; ICI-CCN de Montpellier / Occitanie within the framework of the Life Long Burning project, supported by the European Commission ; Temporada Alta – Festival Tardor of Catalunya ; CIRCa – National Circus Pole in Auch ; Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas ZGZ Escena.

The performance benefits from the PYRENART (FEDER) trans border co-operation project, within the framework of the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra POCTEFA 2014-2020 project.

In collaboration with : KLAP Maison pour la danse – Marseilles, La Place de la Danes – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie.

With the support of Generalitat de Catalunya – Cultural Affairs.


07/2019. Grec Festival, Barcelona (Spain).
17/08/2019. Saint-Petersburg (Russia).
28/09/2019. UNESCO.
