If you want to communicate with Pyrenart, you can complete the following contact form:
If you wish to consult the basic information section on Personal Data Protection in its original version, please consult it in Spanish; the language of the country that depends on the current legislation for this Website.
Patronato Municipal de las Artes Escénicas y de la Imagen (PROYECTO PYRENART)
GARANTIC, S.C. / correo@garantic.es
Management of Cultural activities. Administration. Mailing of Cultural Information.
Legitimisation; the reason to completely fulfil a legal obligation with the full consent of the interested party.
Information will not be released to third parties except within the legal obligation relative to your procedure, your query or to your file.
You have the right to access, modify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the supplementary information section.
Supplementary information
You can consult the detailed information section on Personal Data Protection on the following page: https://www.pyrenart.eu/politiques-de-confidentialite-et-de-cookies/?lang=fr